Saturday, February 09, 2008

Valentine's Flowers

Felt-various colors
Fabric-various colors
Heavy duty florist wire
Thread-various colors

1. Cut out flowers
A. I find that just plain circles of various sizes can be really cute. If you want to get a little more fancy you can put some petals but make sure you leave enough room in the base to push in a wire. The layer on the left is how you want to cut your flower. The flower on the right won't leave any room for the wire.

B. When you have your layers cut, arrange them in stacks.

I just mixed and matched. The flower on the left has (top to bottom) brown fabric, netting and then felt. The flower on the right has felt, brown fabric and finally felt.

C. Take the bottom flower and cut a slit in it just big enough for your wire.

D. Sandwich all your layers and sew them together. (Look at the final flowers for reference)

2. Put in the Wire
A. Take a long piece of wire and carefully put through the back slit. Push it in far enough so that it almost touches the thread at the edge of the flower.

B. Bend wire back on itself twice so that you have a wire "z" pushing against the back flower.
C. Bend once more- but at a 90 degree angle- to create a stem.


anita said...

these are beautiful. I can't wait to make a bouquet for my daughter.

Kelly said...

Thank you! I've found that they make a really nice surprise for loved ones.