Monday, October 01, 2012


Golden recently discontinued it's glazing line.

"What glazing line?" is what you might be asking. Exactly. And you're not alone.  I didn't know about Glazing until Anne Bagby's first DVD, Paper, Pattern & Glazing. Unless I was at a fine art store, no one I talked to at hobby stores (even the ones selling Golden products) had ever heard of glazing liquids.

But glazing liquids are amazing! And as I get to know my own process of working more and more, I've decided that I want to use the handy chart Golden supplied ( and make some of my own. Anne Bagby uses Aslphaltum. It's a warm glaze.

I might also try Slate, Sea Foam Green, and Yellow Ochre. Or I might take already transparent colors that I love and mix up a bottle of them with a bit more transparency.

Why am I doing this?
Because I like not having to mix colors. I feel like I'm wasting pigment when I'm mixing colors. I'm also dirtying tools that I then have to contend with immediately. I'd prefer to have it in a squeeze bottle of some sort and just go.

So far so good. I don't know if my ratios are what is given on the chart, but this is 4 oz of glazing medium with 10 drops of carbon black and then 20 drops of each transparent red iron oxide and transparent yellow iron oxide.

I also tried to make one with my new favorite color Alizarin Crimson Hue. It had:
4oz Glazing Fluid
30 drops Raw Umber
30 drops Alizarin Crimson Hue

I'm less certain of this one's success, and I haven't included pictures because none of that glaze really showed on the papers I used with it. You can see though that the warm brown adjusted the green and yellow. I'll have to be careful to not make things muddy, but I can put that in the long list of things to learn.

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