Friday, November 07, 2008

peace and joy

I'm giving in to the Christmas spirit. I'm not a humbugger but I find holidays overwhelming. I don't like crowds. I don't like guilt. I like mankind and the idea of being surrounded by those we love. But Christmas music has started in the stores, and I can feel my blood pressure creeping skyward. Instead of fighting it, I'm going to embrace it. And by embrace I mean start making cards. That's how I cope with something: make a card.

So here's attempt one of hopefully many. I like the swirls (which is a big deal actually for me) but I'm not sure about their placement. The card is trying to incorporate a few too many different design feels, and I think it hurts the cohesion. Also, it's heavy to the right.

1 comment:

andrea said...

I agree with you about the card, and I definitely like the swirls.