Friday, November 03, 2006

Oh, right, it's winter

At some point between yesterday and today, winter decided to start in Oregon. And it wasn't a subtle I-know-I'm-imposing-so-I'll-speak-softly kind of start. It was loud and it is by any measure, WET.

I'm balancing between potentially false hope ("Oh, this rain will just blow through. It'll be a crisp dry winter. Beautiful.") and resigning to the probably inevitable, ("I will smell and feel like a wet dog for the next 5-6 months. Awesome.")

How is it that the beauty of spring and summer can wipe all memory from us of the winters? Was it this cold last year? Did the rain feel this *wet*? All very profound questions yes. I think the answer though is the same. Paper. Markers. Tape...In short: crafts.

I need to prepare for winter by organizing my cupboards and keeping my hands and eyes busy with color. Be it paint or fabric or any other number of things for the months when we can't feel (dry) grass between our toes and sun on our faces.

I'll be setting my goals aloud here soon but first I need to go scrape tissue paper and wax off the kitchen table and pile into bed. I'm half way through editing Claudine Helmuth's latest video and I have a full day of inspiration ahead of me.

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